Sunday, December 23, 2012


Hugs are my new specialty.

I give them differently when I need them vs when another person needs them.

I can speak volumes after an embrace that I couldn't put to words before.

They make me stronger and yet more vulnerable.

So simple and complicated - share a hug this holiday.

No a real one - the kind you reserve for your partner give to a friend.
   The kind you give a friend give to a stranger.

Know no stranger - hug them harder.

Happy Holidays all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I mourn my mentor and friend Mary that passed away this weekend. She loved swimming and was such a bright spirit. I love her and will miss her every single day.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012


So Tai Chi .. I figure this is an area that not too many readers might know about. Tai Chi is doing physical movements with your body to enhance energy flow - your Chi. These movements usually move bad energy out and good energy in to the person doing the movements.

I learned when I was a preteen. It was slow, balanced and boooring.

Now  I still make it slow and balanced and I really enjoy that kind of quiet time. Even just meditating about my Chi is helpful.

My first Tai Chi instructor held his hands out wide like he was holding an imaginary kick ball. He asked each of us to line up and put our hands in the ball space and just feel it for a moment. We were to do it silently and get back in a line.

Then he asked what did you feel? Warm. We had all felt a very warm sensation. For me it was like a pulsating warmth like I had my hand on his heart. Years later I realized his lesson might be closer to Reiki than Tai Chi but it did get across the point  that this energy inside us is very real and can change the out side world in many ways.

I imagine my Chi like an ocean tide - in and out - good and bad - balanced. I do a few movements before a tarot reading and feel the blood in my veins going from the heart to the finger tips. I can imagine a little wave pool between my hands. This helps me calm down  before a tarot reading (it is easy to get anxious while reading) and I can focus.

The basic yin yang concept behind Tai Chi is what helped me get through some very tough situations in my personal life. I knew life had ups and downs - and if I rode through the downs the ups would be worth sticking around to see!

Thanks for reading I would love any comments from readers. Again my Facebook is and new group members receive a free first reading!

~ Darleen

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Psychic Fair

I went to a psychic fair this weekend it was really neat to be around other people I can be comfortable with. I did not really express my talent too much because it is still something I am so used to keeping private.  I admit to my talent when asked directly or if someone seems interested in conversation but I do not push it on others.
I am not a very pushy person ever but sometimes it gets to the point where I think later on "well they can't read my mind how would they know I read tarot?"
It reminds me of salesperson jobs I have had in the past. I am very good at guiding someone to the correct purchase, but pushing the one cell phone that gets me the most commission even if it is not right for my customer?!  I always listened and then looked for the best fit no matter what corporate told me to push.

I feel like if someone wants a reading they will ask, if they are looking for help I can usually sense that but otherwise I do not want to push it on people.
Sometimes just mentioning psychics is pushing their religious beliefs. I want to educate them but only if they are open to listen.

Anyway my reader was very nice, it was not in my opinion a "traditional" tarot deck so I couldn't read along with her (maybe that is better).
They also had some jewelry and candles you could buy.
It seemed like most of the people there already knew each other. Tarot / psychic readings can be a little hard to get into that way because a lot of family or friends 'stick to their own kind' they do not look for new talent.
And why would they? Why divide clients and money?
So I quietly drop my business card to be found by a stranger maybe in that time of need and walk on.

I will be carrying my tarot deck on me more often though - you never know when I will get the courage to bring it up to a LIVE person!

Blog again soon ~Darleen