Monday, November 26, 2012

Second Helping

So it has been a week, and I will try at this again.

I hope all of my readers had a great Thanksgiving. I saw many posts on being grateful by my personal friends.
Just within the last few months I have known many great things to be grateful for. I will not bore you with lists.
So on to something somewhat tarot related - here is one of my early spirit experiences:

Again I do not speak with the dead (that I am aware of), and I am not sure if other people do. I do not understand how my talent works. I am astounded by certain things that have happened in my life and will share these stories now and then.
Now preamble over ...

When I was 10 I thought I had a resident ghost in my house. I was old enough to understand 'imaginary friends' and I was too smart for that. My house was older and had its' share of rumors.

I had a friend over we were listening to the radio and drawing or doing homework. The radio station changed from our pop music to a very quiet waltz as if a pillowcase covered the speaker. The waltz was nothing recognizable, just 3 step time - simple and plunking, like on a piano by an amateur not what you would hear on a classical radio station.

I got up and went across the room to the radio - I saw that nothing changed other than the display not being 'lit' anymore. The power was off but the music was still there. We hadn't turned it off and the power hadn't surged.

While at the radio my friend got up and walked over to my desk. She wanted to see if the lights had gone out on the street - it was just becoming dusk. As she looked beyond my desk out the window she gasped.

When I stood up I saw the pencil I had been writing with was standing straight up on its' own. Nub on paper and eraser in the air, straighter than a person would hold it. It did not "float" or write - just stood on edge.

It was a few moments - long enough for us both to look down and look back up at each other.

This event passed without mention for quite a while.

I will continue with more next week if there is interest... let me know



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